5 great school website features you may not have considered

We spend every day helping schools with their websites. Here are a few of our favourite school website features.

1. Social media feeds

Social media is not for you, right? Well, you won’t be surprised to learn that the conversation about your school is already out there. You need to embrace it and own it. You can do that by posting good news stories and become the authoritative voice of your school. A social media wall or twitter feed are great ways to share visual posts. You can view our guide to social media presentation for tips (ask us).

school website features - social media wall


2. Full screen background photos

You might think you have to cram everything on to the home page. But less is often more – a series of full screen photos create a high impact welcome and replace a thousand words. You can display other useful information for the home page such as a welcome, notices and diary dates as you scroll down.

school website features - full screen photos


3. Communicate your Identity

Who are you and what do you stand for? The design of your website should encapsulate this. Use colours, fonts, imagery and your strapline in a coherent and creative way. Use your website to change perceptions about the school.

school website features - identity


4. Add a staff gallery

We’re sure every school would like to be seen as friendly & approachable – a staff gallery is a great way to achieve this. If your website has a staff gallery builder it can be as simple as uploading staff photos, names and roles, with biographies for those with more time to spare.

school website features - staff gallery


5. Add great content

It’s not just about the home page. It may be the most viewed page but many other pages will receive a good deal of traffic. Use the styles provided as part of your website design to help make each page a little more attractive and easier to read. Don’t forget you can use Google Analytics to find out which pages are your most visited so you can prioritise.

school website features - great content


There are many other school website features which you can consider. If you’d like to see more, take a look at our huge, searchable online portfolio of school website designs.

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