How to use your school website for Recruitment

Attracting the right candidates to your school or trust is such an important element in providing great education.
For some schools this can be harder than for others, depending on location, commuter routes, and even Ofsted ratings which can sway candidates one way or another. Teachers and schools all want to find the “right fit” for themselves. You want teachers and support staff who fit with your ethos and values and who will become an integral part of your school community. Any headteacher of any school can tell you how difficult that can be to find – and you may know that yourself already!
How can we help to solve that? Well, a big part of finding the right person is about how easily they can find you! If someone is looking for a job they may end up interviewing at all the wrong places simply as they have not found the right place because it is too hard to find!
Recruiting is a costly business. Getting your school noticed and found is difficult without huge expense. We believe we have made a great solution for you, though, and many of our schools are already using it to recruit and save money!
Our new jobs feature, as part of our Greenhouse website CMS, allows you to create a template for your job vacancies which can be easily applied to all new adverts. It’s easy to set up and adaptable for each school or trust. Once you have a template you can quickly add any new jobs with a standard layout. Job vacancies will automatically appear on the vacancies page of your school or trust website. Not only is this a quick task, it makes your job adverts look just like they would on a premium recruitment website or publication. You can see a great example of this on the Solent Academies Trust careers page.

Google Jobs Integration
But it doesn’t just stop there either. You can choose to have your jobs encoded with rich-text information for Google Jobs. When Google visits your site they will automatically read the hidden code and extract the relevant data into their Jobs database. Google Jobs aggregates vacancies from all the various job websites into one convenient place for jobseekers. This makes your advert appear alongside others without the need to go through a specialist recruiting company or pay lots of money to make sure your advert is visible when someone searches for a school-based job.
When your school website is selling your school to visitors, you will also find that local teachers keep an eye on your vacancies page so having this easy feed of jobs laid out with your template means your new perfect staff member is only ever just a couple of clicks away!
Already a Greenhouse School Websites customer and want help to get your slick and professional job vacancies set up? Look out for the FAQ in the CMS or just contact support.
Not a Greenhouse School Websites customer yet but want to find out about all the great features we can offer for your school or trust website? Contact us to arrange a demo and a chat. We would love to welcome you into our community of schools.