Update these 12 statutory items on your school website now

12 statutory items on your school website

As we announced in our earlier blog, the Ofsted Statutory website requirements have not changed since last year so there is nothing you need to do if you were already compliant last year. You can download your free checklist from our blog too.

However it is worth noting that there is information on your compliant website that still needs to be kept current or updated each year. There’s also other information which is worth checking as the website is often a place we forget to update when things do change.


1. Contact Details:

You probably have not moved the school to a new postcode, or changed the phone number. But if you have… make sure it is changed everywhere on the website it is mentioned. Also ensure the head teacher listed is correct – often forgotten as the new head teacher may not know how to change the website themselves yet!



If your SENCO has changed make sure their contact information is updated on the website. A name and an email address is useful to ensure parents can contact them directly with sensitive information when required – asking parents to email a generic info@ email is not best practice with safeguarding and GDPR requirements. If you are concerned they will get inundated with emails, especially if they are a busy class-based teacher, maybe have a second email address for them which is secure but means their main email address does not get bombarded.


3. Pupil Premium information:

As well as details of this year’s grant and plans, you need to ensure you have updated the information about last year’s spend and the impact of your spend.


4. Literacy and Numeracy Catch-Up Premium:

For Year 7 you will also need to update the details of your grant and spend for this year


5. PE & Sport Premium:

Similarly to other premiums you will need to ensure your spend details are up to date, as well as noting this year’s plans. You also need to check that your information such as the number of Year 6 pupils who are proficient in swimming is accurate for this year.


6. Curriculum:

Have you made any major changes to curriculum? If so make sure this is reflected in your documents on the website so that parents have access to the relevant information. We know that Ofsted will be looking closely at curriculum across all subjects in upcoming inspections. Although they do not need to see this in any particular format, it is likely important that your website information accurately represents your curriculum.


7. Ofsted report:

Speaking of Ofsted…if you had an inspection last year has that latest report been linked to your website?


8. Results:

Results information for KS2, LS4 and KS5 are all important and need to be up-to-date


9. Careers Programme:

As with SENCO it is important that the Careers Lead contact information is changed if the staff member has changed. Also ensure you include any new additions to the programme as a whole. Never miss a chance to show off all those fantastic things you do for your students!


10. Policies:

Make sure policies are all included and are the most recent version. Although often you only sign the paper version to show it has been reviewed, it can be handy to add the date to the online version too otherwise Ofsted might not realise the reviews have been completed if the date of the original policy is a few years ago.


11. Equality Objectives:

Equality Objectives should be updated every 4 years. This means it easily gets missed on a yearly check so take time now to make sure they are updated with the last 4 years.


12. Governors:

Make sure any governor changes are updated, including important information about their committee involvement.




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