Ofsted Inspection Reports citing poor school websites

As you know, Inspectors are required to consult the school website prior to an Ofsted inspection as part of their planning.

What you may not realise is the increasing number of Inspection Reports which highlight deficiencies in the content of the school website.

In some cases, missing content on the school website has been listed as a reason why the school has not been rated as Outstanding:

It is not yet an outstanding school because Governors do not meet statutory requirements with respect to the school website.

(Inspection Report – Welsh Primary School)

It is not yet an outstanding school because the school’s website does not contain the most up-to-date information to allow parents to be fully informed about the school.

(Inspection Report – Northumberland College)


Lack of information on the school website has also been cited as the trigger for a no notice inspection:

This inspection was conducted at no notice following non-compliance with the statutory requirement to provide parents withe detailed information about the school curriculum on the school website


Academies Week also recently wrote an article about this trend and have included some section 5 quotes of their own:


“Carlton-in-Snaith Community Primary School in Yorkshire was told it requires improvement after an Ofsted inspection in July and its report said: “The school’s website does not provide regular updates of what is happening in school, how well pupils are doing and does not host enough activities that can be undertaken by pupils, at home, to enhance their learning.”

Ofsted also told Erdington Hall Primary School in Birmingham, which was given a ‘requires improvement’ rating after a visit in April: “Website information is not always accurate. The school website is accessible and provides all the information that is expected of this resource.”



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