Greenhouse School Websites

Penwortham Primary School website

  • Date: January 2020
  • Phase: Primary or Middle
  • Features: Extra-wide Design, Social Media Wall
  • Launch the website for Penwortham Primary School
We at Penwortham thoroughly appreciate the hard work and effort that has gone in to making our new website a great success. It looks absolutely amazing and we couldn't be happier. We have been with Greenhouse School Websites for over 4 years now and they are continually improving. Our IT Technician worked hard to collaborate with Greenhouse School Websites in order to ensure all of our needs were met and to create the most appropriate style to fit in with our school. The end result is truly remarkable and we haven't even utilised all of the extra features that were available to us. They offer great customer support and the management side to the website is very easy to use. We would highly recommend them to other schools as we have had a great experience with them so far and things can only get better as technology is forever growing.Sandie Andrews, Headteacher