Using Activity Wheels to create a randomised link spinner
- The Activity Wheel option can be found in the Utilities menu.
- It allows you to add between 3 and 10 'segments'.
- Each segment can link to either a page on your website, or an external page.
- When creating an Activity Wheel, the Link 'dropdown' lists pages on your website.
- You can create (and edit) as many Activity Wheels as you like.

Example uses
Extension work
'Gamify' extra homework by adding links to a series of different homework pages.
Story time
Teachers could be recorded reading stories. Each segment could link off to one of the teachers. Or one teacher could record all the stories.
Educational Games
Add links to external educational games.
Adding a Wheel to a page
- Add or edit a page.
- Click where you would like the wheel to sit.
- Select your Activity Wheel from the dropdown list:
Example Activity Wheel