School website requirements February 2021

Schools are now required to publish details of their remote education provision on their school website. It is intended to support understanding of what pupils and parents should expect during periods of school closure or pupil isolation due to coronavirus COVID-19.
We’ve been through the changes and summarised them for you below.
We’ve also updated our free checklist for schools which includes all the statutory requirements as well as some suggested things to add to your website which we know parents really appreciate.
We’d also be happy to discuss adding the Greenhouse Oftsed page template to your school website. Please just get in touch.
What should I publish on my school website regarding remote education provision?
The guidance breaks down into a number of discrete sections designed to provide answers to the following questions:
- Remote curriculum – what is taught to pupils at home in the first few days?
- Remote curriculum – after the first few days, will there be any difference to the curriculum taught remotely?
- Study time – how long should work set by the school take pupils each day?
- How will pupils access their remote education online?
- What support will you be providing to pupils who do not have suitable online access?
- How will pupils be taught remotely? E.g. online live teaching or recorded teaching, printed materials, textbooks
- What are your engagement expectations from pupils and parents?
- How will you monitor pupils’ engagement and how will you act & communicate where there are concerns?
- How will you assess & provide feedback on pupils’ work and progress?
- What support are you providing to pupils with SEND?
- Where a pupil is individually self-isolating, how will their remote education differ from above?
The DfE have provided an optional template to help guide schools. The examples provided in the template are very helpful compared to some “templates” we’ve seen. It only runs to 6 pages and is very digestible so we would definitely recommend basing the information you publish on your school website on the optional template.
You can download the optional template with examples from this page on the website: