Latest School Website Design May 2020
Latest School Website Design Launches by Greenhouse School Websites
Below are some of our favourite new school website designs launched in May 2020.
Littleton Church of England Nursery and Infant School

When deciding what information to feature on your homepage, there some broad themes to consider. Two of these are: What is your school proud of, and what information would you like to highlight to parents and other website visitors?
It is obvious that Littleton Nursery and Infant School has carefully considered these questions. Large, vibrant buttons contain links to the important inside pages, such as Admissions and Curriculum. Further down the homepage is a reports section, which highlights some of the glowing reviews of the school, as given by OFSTED and SIAMS.
Funtington Primary School

Illustrated websites are a great choice for primary schools, especially with the use of bespoke illustrations. We can capture the unique elements of your school and its surrounding area in a fun way, that might not be replicable in a single image.
Funtington opted for an illustration of the school building, playground and a large pond, complete with wildlife. As you scroll down the homepage, children can be seen playing in the woods in the foreground.
The school’s homepage features a tabbed news and diary section, providing lots of information in a compact space. They also chose to have a link to a video, which explains “The Funtington Footprints”.
Sacred Heart Catholic School

Sacred Heart Catholic School in Southwark, London, chose to use their school logo colours of red and yellow throughout their new website design. A tabbed news and diary box sits over the full- screen background photo, quickly reminding parents of upcoming events when they first visit the website. Further down the homepage, you can find animated statistics, which show some of the schools GCSE and A-level results.
Cragside Primary School

The new website design for Cragside Primary School is undeniably gorgeous. The school motto, Believing in Children, is featured prominently in colour changing text. Below that, six vibrant photo buttons link to important pages of the website. The full-screen background photo has been carefully selected and is overlaid with a translucent version of the school logo.
A Quick Links pull out tab, as well as a noticeboard, provide additional information in a compact space.
Is your school website overdue a new design? Get in touch!
Have you been thinking about your school’s identity? Do you feel it’s a little lost in bland website design? We would love to apply our expertise to tease out some of your school’s core, principle strengths to shine through on a new website. It’s easy to make an initial enquiry so that we can get the ball rolling with a quick chat.
Need some more inspiration?
Take a look through our extensive school website design portfolio for some ideas. Alternatively, take a look at our new website launches of April 2020, or at some of our favourite website designs for London-based schools.