Tower Hamlets School Website Design
The Tower Hamlets Borough is home to some well-known London landmarks and tourist attractions, such as Brick Lane, the Tower of London and Canary Wharf, but it is also home to a large number of schools with great website designs. Below we take a look at some of our favourite school website designs in Tower Hamlets.
Oaklands School, Tower Hamlets

We have packed the Oaklands School website with features, resulting in a gorgeous website! For instance, the school’s exam results are displayed in five animated statistic wheels, which you can see below. Additionally, the homepage features an “Our Curriculum” section; this section shows 20 subject circles with custom images, with each button linking through to a more detailed subject page. Oaklands School has strong branding, and so we sourced the colour palette for this school website design from the school’s logo. We opted to make the rainbow shades more muted by adding them as a translucent overlay to photos.

Mowlem Primary School, Tower Hamlets
The homepage of a school website is a great place to get creative in showing off the unique and interesting aspects of your school. Like Oaklands School, Mowlem Primary School have opted to include a selection of additional features on their website, such as curriculum pop-ups and animated statistics. Additionally, they wanted to feature their Butterfly Awards prominently, which celebrate students who demonstrate the five values of the school.

Arnhem Wharf Primary School
Obviously brightly coloured rainbow websites are a very popular choice for Tower Hamlets schools! Just take a look at the Arnhem Wharf Primary School website as yet another great example of this. The homepage of this website also displays a lot of information; as well as having news and diary dates sections, the website also features a social media wall, found by clicking the teal Twitter tab on the right of the page.

Bangabandhu Primary School, Tower Hamlets
A full-screen photo background greets visitors to this website, which is overlaid with a red and yellow translucent filter, which gives the website a warm and welcoming glow. Twitter, upcoming diary dates and a welcome message are also shown on the homepage of this school website.

Is your school website overdue a new design? Get in touch!
Have you been thinking about your school’s identity? Are the websites of nearby schools overshadowing yours? We would love to apply our expertise to tease out some of your school’s core, principle strengths to shine through on a new website. It’s easy to make an initial enquiry and we can get the ball rolling with a quick chat.
Need some more inspiration?
Take a look through our extensive school website design portfolio for some ideas. Alternatively, take a look at a selection of our favourite websites from across London, or some of our favourite school websites in Lewisham.