Back to School – 5 things to check now on your school website

1) Log in
When I return from holiday I often look at the log in screen on my PC in a blind panic. Just what was the password?
So even if you don’t need to, a good start would be to check you can still remember how to log into your website Content Management System (CMS).
For schools using Greenhouse: You can click the forgotten password link to receive your password by email. If you need a reminder of how to use the Greenhouse CMS you can view the resources in the ‘Help’ section of the CMS or contact us.
2) Welcome back note
Why not pen a quick news item to welcome everyone back? Talk about all the things there are to look forward to this term and share any exciting news from the holidays.
3) Diary dates
If you haven’t already it would be useful to add in any key dates for the term so they will appear across the website in your diary date panels if you have them set up. Some parents prefer to have a full list they can download and print so be sure to add a pdf or Word version too.
For Schools using Greenhouse: Adding dates as diary dates in the Greenhouse CMS will ensure they appear across the website and on you home page in your diary date panel as well as your mobile app if you have one.
4) Statutory school website content
Have you added a your swim attainment if you’re a primary school or how about your curriculum information if you’re a secondary school?
The DfE updated their guidance in 2018 for the information schools must publish online.
Have a quick scan of the summary in our September 2018 update detailing what’s changed and double check you’ve got everything covered.
5) Other
If you have a website with us and have forgotten how to do any of these things, don’t forget we offer unlimited support so just give us a call or email and we’ll quickly help you out.
If you’ve not yet discovered the benefits for your school of a Greenhouse School Websites please contact us to find out more.
Have a great start to the year!